handpicked coffee cherries

Why Single Origin Coffee is Preferred?

single-origin coffee

Hacienda Las Animas

Coffee is a drink prepared from roasted coffee beans. Coffee may be of a single type of beans or a mixture of different beans that come from the same origin, and sometimes a coffee blend is made up of coffee beans that come from different origins or countries. Single-origin coffees may come from a single farm, multiple farms from the same country, or just a blend of the coffees grown from that country. Nutrition-wise, coffee may contain fats, proteins and carbohydrates. It may also contain many antioxidants such as neochlorogenic acid, ferulic, and caffeic acid.

Single-origin or single source coffee’s name itself defines a coffee that is planted in one specific origin or country. In other words, single-origin coffee is the coffee that does not contain part of coffee grains that are growing in any other origin or country.

Single-origin coffee is preferred due to many reasons. Consumers are often interested in where their coffee is coming from. Drinking a single-origin reveals the coffee’s story, people and farm behind each cup. This factor makes it easy for the retailer or manufacturer to make value-added coffee if they use a single-origin coffee. It makes it easy for customers to discover the place from which their favorite breakfast beverage comes from.

Another reason would be single-origin coffee gives a specific bold taste and is not changed with season or time. People often prefer their favorite coffee to have a consistent taste rather than a variation in taste with time.

Safety and quality have become two important aspects for selecting food and beverages. Quality is something that depends on consumer preference, and safety is something that ensures that consumables are prepared by using safe methods.  There are much more chances of adulteration in coffee that is not of a single-origin, as they are prepared by using different blends. Some companies use additives or adulterants to increase their profit.

From seed to roast 1888 Coffee’s Founder’s Premium is produced in only one region in Veracruz and is shade grown. Blessed by high altitude along with tropical sun and rain, the land’s rich, volcanic soil provides the ideal environment for the cultivation of its Arabica beans.